About Us

We are three friends who met in college and have moved to three very different states since graduation. Something that interests and moves all of us is trying to be more mindful in our own lives and inspiring kindness in others. We're starting this blog so that people have a place to share kindness they experience in their lives, their suggestions for sharing kindness with others, and to get inspiration from others' thoughts and ideas.

Love and light,

Claire, Emily, and Angie

Monday, November 1, 2010

There is always hope.

It is easy to get the impression these days that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and there is nothing one can do about it.  Many people turn off the news or don't read the newspaper because they find that the very real stories of the world are far too depressing.
It's true that there is a lot of sadness in the world, but there is also goodness when you open your eyes to the possibilities.  There are wars being fought over religion, but there are also those in every faith seeking peaceful dialogue. (Suggested reading: The Faith Club http://www.thefaithclub.com/) There are politicians interested in nothing but themselves and there are politicians and world leaders genuinely interested in doing good in the world. There are a lot of environmental problems, but the green movement is growing and more and more people are trying to live green! There is poverty and sadness and disease, but there are world organizations working to help people.  One of my favorites is Heifer International. http://www.heifer.org/

Instead of seeing current events as a downer in your life, see them as opportunities for prayer.  Take a few moments to reflect on and empathize with the people you see on the news or read about in the paper and send them some love and light.  Take it a step further if you want and get involved in an organization that is working to address those problems. Donate to a charity related to one.  Organize a fundraiser for a cause you feel strongly about.

In short, there is still good in the world.  Even if all you do is pray (or think positive thoughts, if prayer isn't your thing), that's a little more light in the world, a little more goodness that wasn't there before.

And here's your discussion topic for the comments: What are some of the issues and causes nearest and dearest to your heart?  What organizations do you love to support and think we should know about?  How do you find light in a world full of darkness?

1 comment:

  1. Some things I truly care about:

    Ethical consumerism- We should care about what we are buying and how it affects other. Check out this resource and be aware of the impact you are having with your wallet! http://www.betterworldshopper.com/

    Issues surrounding women and girls- Believe it or not, despite all the hard work our mothers and grandmothers, and great great grandmothers have done for us, females are still at a disadvantage in our society. Men still earn more than women, they are more likely to be victims of abuse, and women are the constant subject of objectification in the media. This is not to mention the plight of women on a global scale. Watch this video, it will change your perspective: http://www.girleffect.org/question

    Faith as a motivation for social justice- Ok, so many of us have probably done it- We go to church on Sundays, sing the songs, not really hear the sermon, check our watches and drive home. Well, guess what? To be a Christian is a call to live a radical life. Jesus was RADICAL. He calls us to go against the grain and create a truly peaceful, loving community of human beings. Check out this book. It will both challenge and give you hope:
